WAVE - Acoustics

WAVE is a powerful acoustic modelling tool used by manufacturers worldwide to design and optimize intake and exhaust systems. Whether developing a more affordable exhaust system or creating a custom exhaust sound, WAVE's capabilities are unmatched. WAVE provides a comprehensive suite of programs encompassing pre-processing, solver capabilities, and post-processing functionalities, enabling the simulation of a broad spectrum of acoustic applications:

- Intake system component design: Resonators, air cleaner
- Exhaust system component design: Catalysts, multi-pass mufflers, perforated pipes, absorbing materials
- Pass-by-noise tests and Transient noise analysis over the engine speed range
- Prediction of intake and exhaust resonances
- Transmission loss analysis
- Design of engine noise signature using audio output
- Simulate laboratory acoustic experiments: Level difference, Insertion loss
- Pre-processing
- Advanced 3D pre-processors for seamless creation and fully automatic meshing of most complex mufflers, airboxes and other components
- Direct import of shell geometry from all leading CAD packages
- Import and repair of STL geometry
- Solvers
- Accurate prediction of radiated intake and exhaust noise with source interaction and flow noise effects fully captured
- Moving sources and/or microphones with accurate Doppler shift
- Custom noise transfer functions can be added to predict interior noise
- Linear acoustic analysis
- Post-processing
- All common acoustic plots, audio files, frequency/order tracking post-processing outputs
- Full control over data acquisition and signal processing settings
- Audio files for sound quality assessment, accounting for flow noise and Doppler effects
- Frequency network view of system pressure nodes and anti-nodes