Structural Mechanics

The essential suite to design, analyse and optimise mechanical systems in terms of friction, durability and NVH. Our range of specialised tools provides detailed analyses of dynamic behaviour of engine and transmission components.

ENGDYN is a dedicated 3D engine analysis tool essential to the design and development of the crank train, engine structure and associated components including bearings, connecting rods and engine mounts.
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VALDYN is a multi-body dynamic and kinematic simulation package specifically developed for valvetrain and drive-system analysis and cam and spring pack design.
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PISDYN is an advanced 3D simulation package used to predict piston and connecting rod assembly dynamics.
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RINGPAK is an advanced 2D simulation package which enables users to predict and optimise ring-pack dynamics, lubrication and gas flow.
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SABR is a proven shaft, gear and bearing conception and design package. Find out more
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FEARCE is a finite element (FE) pre- and post-processing tool written specifically to support engine and vehicle analysis.
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