Utilising High-Fidelity Engine Plant Models to Increase the Efficiency and Robustness of Base Engine Calibration

Utilising High-Fidelity Engine Plant Models to Increase the Efficiency and Robustness of Base Engine Calibration

Using simulation results to calibrate ECU parameters is essential to reducing the required facilities, people and hardware to carry out calibration. However, the calibration requirements for accurate representation of the physical hardware in simulation reduces the potential savings.

In this 60-minute webinar, Ricardo’s Alistair Peel, Calibration Solution Lead, and Petr Cerveny, Solutions Manager showcase Ricardo’s Efficient Calibration tools and process for Base Engine Calibration, enabling a reduction in the time and cost required for calibration while increasing its robustness.

Ricardo’s approach is a combination of unique methodology and Hi-Fidelity physical real-time capable plant model implemented into a single process, applicable for HIL, MIL and SIL. The webinar presents the process, its applications and valued savings.

Realis Simulation, formerly Ricardo Software.

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