8th Rostock Large Engine Symposium

8th Rostock Large Engine Symposium
8th Rostock Large Engine Symposium

8th Rostock Large Engine Symposium

Yachthafenresidenz, Rostock, Germany12-13 September 2024

Realis Simulation are very pleased to be a sponsor of the 8th Annual Rostock Large Engine Symposium and will be exhibiting on Stand T4 at the event.

More stringent emission legislation and an increasing public interest for environmentally friendly propulsion concepts are dominating the research and development activities of engine manufacturers and suppliers. With the introduction of IMO TIER III emission limits for marine diesel engines must be drastically reduced. At the same time, substantial regulations on the fuel sector are to be respected. To meet these challenges new technological concepts and control strategies are required.

The conference focusses on recent research and development results to comply with future emission limits as well as the discussion of current and prospective boundary conditions. In this context, researchers and engineers from engine manufacturers and suppliers as well as representatives from shipping companies, ship building industry, power plant operators and legislation are addressed by the symposium.

Against this background the 8th Rostock Large Engine Symposium constitutes a forum for a professional dialog between legislation, researchers, developers and operators of large engines.